Wembley To Soweto Foundation Safeguarding Policy

  1. Introduction
    • The Wembley To Soweto Foundation is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all individuals involved in its activities. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to protecting children, young people, and vulnerable adults from harm or abuse.
  2. Principles
    • All individuals have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
    • The foundation is committed to promoting the welfare and safety of all participants.
    • Every person involved in the foundation, including staff, volunteers, and participants, has a responsibility for safeguarding.
  3. Definitions
    • Children and Young People: Individuals under the age of 18.
    • Vulnerable Adults: Individuals aged 18 and over who may be at risk of harm or abuse due to their age, disability, or other factors.
  4. Code of Conduct
    • All staff and volunteers must adhere to a code of conduct that emphasizes appropriate behavior, language, and interactions with participants.
    • Any suspicions or concerns regarding the well-being of an individual should be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer.
  5. Recruitment and Training
    • All staff and volunteers working directly with children, young people, or vulnerable adults must undergo appropriate background checks.
    • Mandatory safeguarding training will be provided to all relevant personnel.
  6. Reporting Procedures
    • Any incidents or suspicions of abuse or harm must be reported promptly to the designated safeguarding officer.
    • Confidentiality will be maintained, and reporting individuals will be protected from any adverse consequences.
  7. Support and Response
    • The foundation will provide support for victims and respond promptly to concerns, involving relevant authorities if necessary.
    • Regular reviews of this policy will be conducted to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legal requirements.
  8. Review and Monitoring
    • This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in legislation, best practices, and organizational needs.