Wembley To Soweto Foundation Safeguarding Policy


The Wembley To Soweto Foundation is unwavering in its commitment to fostering a safe and secure environment for all individuals involved in our activities. This comprehensive safeguarding policy articulates our dedication to safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults from harm or abuse, ensuring their well-being and protection remain paramount in all aspects of our operations.


At the core of our safeguarding efforts are the following principles:

  • Respect and Dignity: Every individual, regardless of age, background, or circumstance, has the inherent right to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.
  • Welfare and Safety: The foundation is steadfast in its commitment to promoting the welfare, safety, and holistic development of all participants, prioritizing their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
  • Shared Responsibility: Safeguarding is a collective responsibility shared by every person associated with the foundation, including staff, volunteers, participants, and stakeholders. Each individual has a duty to uphold and safeguard the rights and welfare of others.


  • Children and Young People: Individuals under the age of 18, encompassing infants, children, and adolescents.
  • Vulnerable Adults: Individuals aged 18 and above who may be at risk of harm or abuse due to their age, disability, illness, or other factors that may impair their ability to protect themselves.

Code of Conduct

All staff and volunteers engaged in foundation activities are expected to adhere to a stringent code of conduct that emphasizes professionalism, integrity, and appropriate behavior at all times. This code encompasses:

  • Respectful Interactions: Treating all participants with dignity, empathy, and kindness, and refraining from engaging in any form of verbal, physical, or emotional abuse or harassment.
  • Boundaries: Maintaining clear and professional boundaries in all interactions with participants, ensuring that personal or inappropriate relationships are avoided.
  • Confidentiality: Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals involved in foundation activities, particularly when handling sensitive information or disclosures.
  • Immediate Reporting: Any suspicions, concerns, or disclosures regarding the well-being or safety of an individual must be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer, who will initiate appropriate action in accordance with established procedures.

Recruitment and Training

The foundation is committed to ensuring that all staff and volunteers entrusted with the care and supervision of children, young people, or vulnerable adults undergo thorough background checks and screening processes. This includes:

  • Enhanced Background Checks: Conducting comprehensive background checks, including criminal record checks, employment history verification, and relevant professional qualifications, for all individuals working directly with vulnerable populations.
  • Mandatory Training: Providing mandatory safeguarding training for all staff and volunteers involved in activities with children, young people, or vulnerable adults. This training will cover topics such as recognizing signs of abuse, reporting procedures, and safeguarding best practices.

Reporting Procedures

The foundation maintains a robust reporting framework to facilitate the prompt and appropriate handling of safeguarding concerns or incidents. Key aspects of our reporting procedures include:

  • Immediate Reporting: Any suspicions, concerns, or disclosures of abuse, harm, or neglect must be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer or another senior member of staff.
  • Confidentiality: Information relating to safeguarding concerns will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, with disclosures limited to individuals directly involved in the safeguarding process. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible, balancing the need for privacy with the imperative to protect individuals from harm.
  • Protection of Reporting Individuals: Individuals reporting safeguarding concerns or incidents will be protected from any adverse consequences, victimization, or retaliation as a result of their reporting.

Support and Response

The foundation is committed to providing comprehensive support for victims of abuse or harm and responding promptly and effectively to safeguarding concerns. Our support and response mechanisms include:

  • Victim Support: Providing immediate support and assistance for victims of abuse or harm, including access to counseling services, medical care, legal advice, and advocacy.
  • Collaboration with Authorities: Collaborating with relevant authorities, including child protection agencies, law enforcement, and social services, to investigate safeguarding concerns thoroughly and ensure appropriate action is taken to safeguard individuals and hold perpetrators accountable.
  • Preventative Measures: Implementing preventative measures and interventions to minimize the risk of harm or abuse, including staff training, awareness campaigns, and the establishment of clear safeguarding policies and procedures.

Review and Monitoring

The foundation is committed to the ongoing review and monitoring of this safeguarding policy to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and compliance with legal requirements. Key aspects of our review and monitoring processes include:

  • Regular Reviews: Conducting regular reviews of the safeguarding policy to assess its effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and incorporate feedback from stakeholders.
  • Legislative Compliance: Ensuring that the safeguarding policy remains compliant with relevant legislation, regulations, and best practices in the field of child protection and safeguarding.
  • Continuous Improvement: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and learning in our safeguarding practices, striving to enhance our safeguarding measures and ensure the ongoing protection and well-being of all individuals involved in foundation activities.


The Wembley To Soweto Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all individuals involved in our activities. Through the implementation of robust safeguarding policies, rigorous training, and proactive measures, we are dedicated to safeguarding the rights, welfare, and dignity of children, young people, and vulnerable adults, ensuring they can thrive, grow, and fulfill their potential in a secure and nurturing environment. Together, we can create a future where every individual is protected, respected, and empowered to live a life free from harm or abuse.